WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING This app is in development. It may work great for you, and it may not... MICR printing is a fairly tricky business, at least if you listen to the people in the industry. Some tips to make sure this goes well for you: 1) Use magnetic (MICR) toner for the MICR line (NOT for the rest of the check - see the --nomicr and --nobody options). This is the "official" way to do it. At a minimum, use a laser printer. Bubble jets, ink jets, and (need I say it?) dot-matrix printers will not give useable results. 2) Use security check blanks / stock. This is available various places around the web, and it's not terribly expensive. Do NOT just print on plain paper! 3) Make sure your printed MICR line is _exactly_ as shown on your bank-printed checks. If you can't make it the same, let me know what the problem is, and I'll see if it's a bug. And, as mentioned various other places, if your bank charges you a fee for malformed checks.... you have been warned. I have sent some checks though the bank with this and they worked fine, but your mileage may vary. WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING